Mental Health Issues


Blessings Church: So thankful to the Lord for allowing me to see another day. And so thankful to the Lord for allowing me to serve those that are in need. It truly breaks my heart to see our brothers and sisters on the street who are struggling with mental health issues. Church, please partner with me today and take a little time out of your day to pray for those who struggle with mental health issues 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿# Blessed to be a blessing. My visual journal! Love you the Rev!

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Back to School


Blessings Church: We are excited and preparing for our annual Back To School Celebration. We will be at New Generation Temple with Apostle Steven Wilson and Pastor Danielle Wilson on Saturday August 21st. And then we will be with Pastor Davis and Elder Randy Palmer at 2nd Baptist Church in Fayetteville NC on August 28th.We have created a list of what is needed to fill the backpacks. If you would like to donate. Please contact Rev Phil Brickle @ 919 917 4665. If you would like to make a monetary donation. Please make a check out to Lost Sheep Outreach Ministry P.O. Box 14975 Raleigh NC 27620. And again I would like to thank all of you for your prayers and support! Love you the Rev!

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Passing Out Blessings


Blessings Church: So thankful to the Lord for allowing me to see another day! And so thankful to have a chance to serve those in need once again. Church the struggles continue and there will always be work to do for the kingdom. A big thanks for those who continue to help make this happen. Have a blessed and safe holiday weekend! # Blessed to be a blessing! My visual journal! Love you the Rev!

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Lost Sheep Outreach


Blessings Church: So thankful to the Lord for allowing me to see the blessing of a new day. And so thankful to those who continue to support the ministry so that we can continue to serve those in need. A big thanks to my cuzzins Omar and D’Juan for donating shoes and sneakers. And Lou Sawicki for donating a case of socks. Church, sometimes it’s the little things done with love, that makes the greatest impact. # Blessed to be a blessing! My visual journal!

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JuneTeenth & Father’s Day


Blessings Church: So thankful to the Lord for everyone who came out today. We celebrated JuneTeenth and Father’s Day with doing a service project. We separated clothes, gave some away. Went to Neighbor To Neighbor and passed out fish plates. Then we went to Moore Square and passed out more fish plates and hygiene. A big thanks to F3, Sylvester Fleming and family, and the Lost Sheep Family, volunteers and friends who made this an amazing day. Love you the Rev!

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Dean Rogers

Lost Sheep

Blessings Church: The Lost Sheep Outreach Ministry Family is so grateful to Dean Rodgers, Sis Rodgers and the RBBI Alumni for Blessings Lost Sheep Outreach Ministry with a generous donation. We give God all of the glory, honor and praise. Love you the Rev!

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Free Fish Dinners


Blessings Church: Our friends at F-3 are sponsoring free fish dinner on June 19th starting at noon. Please be advised that it will be first come first serve until they run out. Stop by and see us. Looking forward to seeing you! Love you the Rev!

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Blessings Church! So thankful to the Lord for allowing me to see another day! Church, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I don’t post to be seen or heard. I don’t need a pat on the back or accolades. But I post to continue to bring awareness to the struggles of our brothers and sisters on the street. At times we can get very comfortable and don’t venture out of our comfort zone. But let me remind you what the Lord said. When you haven’t done it to the least of these, you haven’t done it unto Me. Take a little time to think about that. And the blessing I received, I couldn’t put a monetary value on it. The brother prayed for me and kept looking unto the hill where his help comes from. # Blessed to be a blessing! My visual journal!

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Celebrating 25 Years

Lost Sheep

Blessings Church: Today, we are so grateful to the Lord for allowing our entire team. Those who stated out with us, to those who have partnered with us, prayed for us and supported us. All of you can now celebrate with us as we start our 25th year in serving the Raleigh area and beyond. 25 yrs ago, Rev Ron Collier, Mother Melvina Blalock and myself met, had dinner and talked about starting a ministry to serve the homeless. Who knew at the time that God would do all that He has done with us and for us. So today, we give God all of the glory, and give all of our partners, donors and volunteers thanks for being apart of out incredible journey. Happy Anniversary Lost Sheep Outreach Ministry!!! 25 years!!! Love you all dearly! The Rev!!!

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Blessings Church: So thankful to the Lord for allowing me to see another day! And so thankful to the Lord for allowing me to serve those that are in need once again. A big thanks to donors, partners, volunteers and prayer warriors for your continued support. # Blessed to be a blessing! My visual journal! Love you the Rev!

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