Helping the Homeless

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Blessings Church: So thankful to the Lord for allowing us to continue to serve those that are in need. A big thanks again to our partners, donors and volunteers who continue to support the ministry so we can continue to serve those in need. Church, please take some time to watch the video from our last event in downtown Raleigh. It was beautiful done by my brother Paul. Thanks again everyone! Love you the Rev!

Memorial Day Weekend

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Blessings Church: We’re excited to have another chance to serve our brothers and sisters on Memorial Day weekend. We’ll bless our brothers and sisters with food, clothes, hygiene and other items. We are so grateful to our partners, volunteers and donors for coming out and serving with us. We are still in need of hygiene and other items to give away. If you have any questions, please contact Rev Phil Brickle 919 917 4665. God bless! Love you the Rev!

Blessing Church!

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Blessings Church: My brother Paul is starting a business and said that he didn’t have any business clothes. So we had a chance to let Paul pick out some business clothes to wear when taking care of his business and going to community meetings. Truly,it is much better to give then it is to receive. Have a blessed night. Love you the Rev!

The Bennetts

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Blessings Church: So thankful to the Lord for allowing us to bless my New Rochelle home girl Pat Fowler-Bennett and her husband Bennett with items to help them in serving the less fortunate. A big thanks to Sheila and Wills for traveling with me and preparing the items to give to the ministry. A big thanks to my home girl for feeding us real good. Thanks again so much to our partners, donors and volunteers for continuing to support the ministry so we can continue to serve others in need! Love you the Rev!