Blessings Church: We are excited about partnering with Women That Care for there annual Back To School Celebration on Saturday August 20th. The time and location is in the flyer. It’s going to be an amazing day and plenty of school supplies for the kids to start the school year off right. We are in need of backpacks, school supplies such as pens, pencils, composition books, note book paper, scissors, rulers, calculators, tape, erasers and any other school supplies to help not only the children, but also the parents. If you would like to donate, please contact Rev. Phil Brickle @ 919 917 4665 or Myra Bradley at 919 798 8131. If you would like to make a monetary donation! Please make your check out to Lost Sheep Outreach Ministry P.O. Box 14957 Raleigh NC 27620. Again, thanks so much for your prayers and support. Also please pass on so families that are in need can have this information. Have a blessed week! Love you the Rev!